Dasyprocta aguti
English: Brazilian agouti
German: Goldaguti
French: Agouti dor‚
Spanish: Agut¡
Distribution areas
The brazilian agouti is found in the
Southern and Central American territories
between the northern part of Peru and
Description of the fur
---------------------- A group of hairs of the fine
The skin is about 40 cm long, the tail and guard type, 100x
is short, only 1.5 cm in length. The coat
is dense but the hairs are relatively coarse and straight. The individual
guard hairs are striped yellow and brown. The hair length is variable, the
maximum values are about 8 cm on the back, while in foreleg it is only about
1.5 cm long.
Dasyprocta aguti
English: Brazilian agouti
German: Goldaguti
French: Agouti dor‚
Spanish: Agut¡
Structure of the hair
The microscopic structure of the skin
surface is smooth and covered with narrow
follicular openings with straight upper
edges. The average follicle contains only
one hair shaft.
The fine fur fibres have a diameter of The cuticular structure
12 to 18 µm. The cross-sectional outline is of the fine fibres, 2000x
circular and the cuticular scales are
cornet-like in shape. The surface of the cuticular scales is smooth, but the
scale margins are sometimes rippled.
Dasyprocta aguti
English: Brazilian agouti
German: Goldaguti
French: Agouti dor‚
Spanish: Agut¡
The intermediate fibres are from 80 to
120 µm in diameter. The cross-sectional
outline is elliptical and the cuticular
scales are even, tile-like with smooth
scale surface and straight margins. The
medulla is narrow, unbroken and central
symmetrical-shaped in cross-section. The
overall structure of the medulla is of the
lattice type with the complex-sheet-like Transverse section
type of infilling material. of an intermediate fibre, 600x
The guard hairs have a diameter of 100 to 140 µm. The cross-sectional
outline is elliptical and often of the dumb-bell-shaped type. The cuticular
scales are crenated, tile-like smooth on the surface and rippled at the
margins. The medulla is wide, unbroken longitudinally and central symmetrical
in outline. The overall structure of the medulla is of the lattice type with
the complex-sheet-like structure of infilling substance.
Dasyprocta aguti
English: Brazilian agouti
German: Goldaguti
French: Agouti dor‚
Spanish: Agut¡
Transverse section
of a guard hair, 400x
Dasyprocta aguti
English: Brazilian agouti
German: Goldaguti
French: Agouti dor‚
Spanish: Agut¡
Detailed structure
of the medulla, 2000x
Numerical code for brazilian agouti skin structure
Surface of the skin: 1-4-1
Fine fur fibres: 1-5-1-1.2-4-0-0-0-0-12.18-8.25
Intermediate fibres: 2.8-2-1-1-3-1-1-8-4-80.121-12.51
Guard hairs: 8.2-4-1-2-2-1-1-8-4-120.141-15.75