Felis chaus
English: Jungle cat
German: Sumpfluchs
French: Chat de jungle
Spanish: Gato de Manigua
Distribution areas
The jungle cat lives in South Asia and
in the North Africa in the area around the
Nil river.
Description of the fur
The skins are from 50 to 95 cm long. The Transverse section
underfur layer is grey-yellow or brown in of a guard hair, 600x
colour. The coarse hairs and the upper part
of the coat are grey-brown with dark strips. The length of the fine fibres is
about 18 to 30 mm. The guard hairs are straight and up to 60 mm long, except
on the belly part where they are shorter, about 50 mm.
Felis chaus
English: Jungle cat
German: Sumpfluchs
French: Chat de jungle
Spanish: Gato de Manigua
Structure of the hair
The microscopic structure of the skin
surface is furrowed; the hair follicles are
wide with straight edges, and contain
cluster of fibres.
The fine fur fibres are elliptical in
cross-section, with a diameter of from 12 The cuticular structure
to 28 µm. The cuticle is covered by of the fine fibres, 2000x
cornet-like scales with a smooth scale
surface and straight scale margins. The medulla is wide, unbroken and central
symmetrical-shaped in cross-section. The overall pattern of the medulla is of
the uniserial ladder type. The infilling medullary substance is perforated
sheet-like or amorphous in detailed structure.
Felis chaus
English: Jungle cat
German: Sumpfluchs
French: Chat de jungle
Spanish: Gato de Manigua
The intermediate fibres are elliptical
in cross-section with a diameter of from 30
to 60 µm. The cuticular scales are
petal-like; the surface is smooth with
straight margins. The medulla is wide,
unbroken and central-symmetrical-shaped in
cross-section. The overall structure is of
the lattice-sponge type with a perforated
sheet-like or foam-like infilling material. Longitudinal section
of a fine fur fibre, 3000x
The guard hairs are 60 to 100 µm in
diameter and elliptical in cross-sectional outline. The cuticular surface is
covered by even, tile-like or crenated, tile-like scales with a smooth
surface and straight, or sometimes rippled, scale margins. The medulla is
wide, unbroken and central symmetrical shaped in cross-section. The overall
medullary pattern is of the spongy-lattice-like type, with a foam-like
infilling substance.
Felis chaus
English: Jungle cat
German: Sumpfluchs
French: Chat de jungle
Spanish: Gato de Manigua
The cuticular structure
of a guard hair, 2000x
Felis chaus
English: Jungle cat
German: Sumpfluchs
French: Chat de jungle
Spanish: Gato de Manigua
Transverse section
of an intermediate fibre, 2000x
Numerical code for jungle cat skin structure
Surface of the skin: 3-2-3
Fine fur fibres: 2-5-1-1-2-1-1-1-2.8-12.28-18.31
Intermediate fibres: 2-11-1-1-2-1-1-11-2.5-30.61-30.45
Guard hairs: 2-2.4-1-1.2-2-1-1-6-5-60.101-30.61