Galago senegalensis
English: Senegal bush baby
German: Senegal galago
French: Galago du s‚n‚gal
Spanish: Galago
Distribution areas
The senegal bush baby can be found in
areas of South, Central and East Africa.
About five species of galago are known, (g.
crassicaudatus, g. zanzibaricus, g. alleni,
g. demidovii) as well as the similar
Euoticus elegantus; they all live in the
same area. The cuticular structure
of the fine fibres, 2000x
Description of the fur
The skins are only 15 to 20 cm long; the tail measures about 23 to 25 cm.
The hair coat is thin and soft, light-grey in colour. The head and back parts
are coloured in red shades, while the belly is yellow-white.
Galago senegalensis
English: Senegal bush baby
German: Senegal galago
French: Galago du s‚n‚gal
Spanish: Galago
Structure of the hair
The microscopic structure of the skin
surface is furrowed. The hair follicles are
usually narrow and have straight edges. The
follicles contain a cluster of fibres.
The fine fur fibres have a diameter in
the range of 15 to 20 µm. The The cuticular structure
cross-sectional outline is circular or of the fine fibres, 2000x
elliptical. The cuticle is composed of
cornet-like scales and the scale surface is smooth with straight margins. The
medullary column is wide, unbroken and symmetrically located in the central
axial part of the fibre. The medullary structure is of the uniserial ladder
type with an amorphous or sometimes granular infilling substance.
Galago senegalensis
English: Senegal bush baby
German: Senegal galago
French: Galago du s‚n‚gal
Spanish: Galago
The intermediate fibres are elliptical
in cross-section with the diameter between
20 and 25 µm. The cuticular scales are
petal-like in shape with a smooth surface
and straight scale margins. The medulla is
wide, unbroken and central symmetrical
-shaped in cross-section. The overall
structure of the medulla is of the uniserial
ladder type with an amorphous infilling Transverse section
substance. of a fine fur fibre, 1000x
The guard hairs are elliptical, and the diameter of the cross-section is
between 20 and 30 µm. The cuticle has even, tile-like scales and a smooth
scale surface with straight margins. The medulla is wide, unbroken and
symmetrically located in the central axial area of the fibre. The overall
medullary pattern is of the uniserial ladder type with and infilling material
of an amorphous detailed structure.
Galago senegalensis
English: Senegal bush baby
German: Senegal galago
French: Galago du s‚n‚gal
Spanish: Galago
Longitudinal section
of a fine fur fibre, 3000x
Galago senegalensis
English: Senegal bush baby
German: Senegal galago
French: Galago du s‚n‚gal
Spanish: Galago
Transverse section
of an intermediate fibre, 1000x
Numerical code for the senegal bush baby skin structure
Surface of the skin: 3-4-3
Fine fur fibres: 1.2-5-1-1-2-1-1-1-8.6-15.21-8.18
Intermediate fibres: 2-11-1-1-2-1-1-1-8-20.25-15.22
Guard hairs: 2-2-1-1-2-1-1-1-8-20.31-20.27