Otocolobus manul
English: Palas cat, manul
German: Manul
French: Chat manul
Spanish: Manul
Distribution areas
The manul lives in Southeast Asia in
wooded areas up to 4,000 m above sea level.
Description of the fur
The skin is from 50 to 65 cm long; the
tail is about 25 cm in length. The hair is The cuticular structure
grey-brown or yellow-grey in colour. Over of the fine fibres, 2000x
the body are darker spots and the tail is
ringed in black. The throat is white in colour. The coat is dense, an
undercoat is not distinguishable. The hair shafts are straight and relatively
coarse. The guard hairs are up to 75 mm long.
Otocolobus manul
English: Palas cat, manul
German: Manul
French: Chat manul
Spanish: Manul
Structure of the hair
The microscopic structure of the skin
surface is furrowed; the hair follicles are
wide with sunken edges.
The fine fur fibres are circular or
elliptical in cross-section, with a
diameter of 15 to 25 µm. The cuticle is The cuticular structure
covered by cornet-like scales with a smooth of an intermediate hair, 1000x
surface and straight scale margins. These
fine fibres are non-medullated.
The intermediate fibres are elliptical in cross-section and have a
diameter of 50 to 75 µm. The cuticular scales are of the crenated, tile-like
type, with an irregularly grooved surface and straight scale margins. The
medulla is wide, unbroken and central symmetrical-shaped in cross-section.
The overall medullary structure is of the lattice type with the
needle-sheet-like detailed structure to the infilling substance.
Otocolobus manul
English: Palas cat, manul
German: Manul
French: Chat manul
Spanish: Manul
The guard hairs also have an elliptical
outline with a diameter measuring 70 to 95
µm. The cuticular scales are of the
crenated, tile-like type with irregularly
grooved surface and straight scale margins.
These fibres have a wide medulla with
needle-sheet-like infilling material and
the lattice-like overall medullary type.
The medullary column is unbroken and The cuticular structure
central symmetrical shaped in cross of a guard hair, 4000x
-sectional outline.
Otocolobus manul
English: Palas cat, manul
German: Manul
French: Chat manul
Spanish: Manul
Longitudinal section
of an intermediate fibre, 600x
Otocolobus manul
English: Palas cat, manul
German: Manul
French: Chat manul
Spanish: Manul
Transverse section
of a guard hair, 2000x
Numerical code for pallas cat skin structure
Surface of the skin: 3-1-3
Fine fur fibres: 1.2-5-1-1-4-0-0-0-0-15.25-10.25
Intermediate fibres: 2-4-3-1-2-1-1-8-3-50.75-25.55
Guard hairs: 2-4-3-1-2-1-1-8-3-75.95-55.75