Allactaga major
English: Grat Jerboa
German: Pferdespringer
French: Alactaga sauteur
Spanish: Gerbo mayor
Distribution areas
The great jerboa is found throughout
Asia and in South East Europe, in areas
under a latitude of 52° of north. About
seven subspecies of Allactaga are known,
some of them living in desert areas of
A group of the fine hairs,
Description of the fur 400x
The skins are about 15 cm long. The coat is fine and yellow-brown in
colour. The undercoat layer is grey and guard hairs are coloured dark-brown
or black at the tips. The belly and insides of the legs are white in colour.
Allactaga major
English: Grat Jerboa
German: Pferdespringer
French: Alactaga sauteur
Spanish: Gerbo mayor
Structure of the hair
The skin surface has a furrowed
microscopic structure; the follicles are
narrow with straight edges. The number of
hair shafts in each follicle is from 5 to
The fine fur fibres are circular in The cuticular structure
cross-section ate the bottom of the shaft, of the fine fibres, 4000x
and oval in the upper parts. The diameter
of the fine fibres is in the range of 5 to 10 µm. The cuticular scales are
cornet-like with a smooth surface and straight margins. Almost all of the
fine fibres are medullated and the medulla is wide, unbroken, with a central
symmetrical-shaped cross-section. The overall medullary structure is of the
uniserial ladder type with a foam-like and amorphous infilling substance.
Allactaga major
English: Grat Jerboa
German: Pferdespringer
French: Alactaga sauteur
Spanish: Gerbo mayor
The intermediate fibres are circular or
oval in cross-section with a diameter of 15
to 20 µm. The cuticular scales are
cornet-like, and one section of the edge is
moderately elongated. The scale surface is
irregularly grooved and scale margins are
straight. The medulla is wide,
central-symmetrical shaped, unbroken
longitudinally, and the structure is of the The cuticular structure
fractured uniserial ladder type. The of an intermediate hair, 2000x
infilling substance of the medulla is
The guard hairs have a diameter of 18 to 23 µm. The cross-sectional
outline is circular or elliptic. The cuticular scales are cornet-like, with
straight scale margins with an elongated edge. The scale surface is usually
finely and regularly grooved. The medulla is wide, unbroken and
central-symmetrical-shaped. The medullar column is of the lumpy type; the
infilling substance is amorphous.
Allactaga major
English: Grat Jerboa
German: Pferdespringer
French: Alactaga sauteur
Spanish: Gerbo mayor
The surface structure
of the skin, 100x
Allactaga major
English: Grat Jerboa
German: Pferdespringer
French: Alactaga sauteur
Spanish: Gerbo mayor
Longitudinal section
of an intermediate fibre, 2000x
Numerical code for great jerboa skin structure
Surface of the skin: 3-4-3
Fine fur fibres: 1-5-1-1-2-1-1-1-8-5.15-4.12
Intermediate fibres: 1.2-5-3-1-2-1-1-3-8-15.21-10.18
Guard hairs: 1.2-5-2-1-2-1-1-13-8-18.23-18.24