Camelus ferus
English: Bactrian camel
German: Trampeltier
French: Chameau bactriane
Spanish: Camello
Distribution areas
The bactrian camel is found both in the
wild and domestic varieties in the prairie
areas of eastern and central Asia.
Description of the fur
The hide of the mature animal is up to Detailed structure
280 cm long, light grey-brown in colour. of the medulla, 60x
The hairs are slightly curled, the coarse
guard hairs are straight.
Camelus ferus
English: Bactrian camel
German: Trampeltier
French: Chameau bactriane
Spanish: Camello
Structure of the hair
The microscopic structure of the skin
surface is furrowed; the hair follicles are
wide with sunken edges. There are clusters
of hairs in the follicles.
The fine fibres are 15 to 20 µm in
diameter. Their cross-sectional outline is Transverse section
circular and the cuticular scales are of an intermediate fibre, 600x
cornet-like or even, tile-like in the upper
parts. The scale surface is smooth and scale margins are straight. These
fibres are non-medullated. The diameter of the intermediate fibres is from 20
to 50 µm. The cross-section is elliptical with a narrow, unbroken medulla in
the upper half of the shaft. The medulla is central symmetrical-shaped,
belonging to the sponge-cortex-like type. The structure of the infilling
medullar substance is amorphous. The cuticular scales are even, tile-like
with a smooth scale surface with either straight or crenated margins.
Camelus ferus
English: Bactrian camel
German: Trampeltier
French: Chameau bactriane
Spanish: Camello
The guard hairs are elliptical in
cross-section, with a diameter of 50 to 95
µm. The cuticular scales are of an even,
tile-like, or crenated, tile-like shape
with a smooth surface and straight, or in
the upper parts, rippled scale margins. The
medulla is narrow, unbroken and central
symmetrical-shaped in cross-section. The
medullar column is filled with foam-like, The cuticular structure
amorphous material. of the fine fibres, 2000x
Camelus ferus
English: Bactrian camel
German: Trampeltier
French: Chameau bactriane
Spanish: Camello
Longitudinal section
of an intermediate fibre, 1000x
Camelus ferus
English: Bactrian camel
German: Trampeltier
French: Chameau bactriane
Spanish: Camello
Detailed structure
of the medulla, 4000x
Numerical code for bactrian camel skin structure
Surface of the skin: 3-1-3
Fine fur fibres: 1-5.2-1-1.2-4-0-0-0-0-15.21-12.21
Intermediate fibres: 1.2-2-1-1.2-3-1-1-7-5-20.51-18.49
Guard hairs: 2-2.4-1-1.2-3-1-1-7-5.8-50.95-45.75