Tragelaphus angasi
English: Nyala
German: Tieflandnyala
French: Nyala
Spanish: Antilope nyala
Distribution areas
The nyala is an antelope living in South
Africa, in lowlands and wooded areas.
Description of the fur
The skin is up to 150 cm long; the tail
is about 15 cm. The hair coat is long and The surface structure
dense, especially on the neck where is a of the skin, 600x
mane. The colour of the hair is dark brown
or red-brown while the belly is much lighter, almost yellow-white. The
underfur layer is not visible. The guard hairs are straight and up to 120 mm
long, or even more in the mane.
Tragelaphus angasi
English: Nyala
German: Tieflandnyala
French: Nyala
Spanish: Antilope nyala
Structure of the hair
The microscopic skin surface is covered
by parallel grooves. The hair follicles are
narrow with straight edges. The average
follicle contains only one hair shaft.
The fine fur fibres are circular, and in
upper part of the hair shaft also A group of the fine hairs,
elliptical, in cross-section. The diameter 600x
is in the range of 15 to 20 µm. The
cuticular scales are cornet-like with a finely grooved scale surface and
straight scale margins. The medulla is narrow, unbroken and central
symmetrical-shaped in the cross-section. This medullary column is of the
uniserial ladder type with a complex-sheet-like structure of the infilling
Tragelaphus angasi
English: Nyala
German: Tieflandnyala
French: Nyala
Spanish: Antilope nyala
The intermediate fibres have an
elliptical cross-section with a diameter of
about 25 to 60 µm. The cuticle is even,
tile-like with a smooth scale surface and
straight edges. The medulla is narrow,
unbroken and central symmetrical-shaped.
The overall structure of the medulla is of
the sponge-lattice-like and sponge-cortex
-like type. The infilling medullary Transverse section
substance is foam-like or an amorphous. of a fine fur fibre, 1000x
The guard hairs are from 60 to 90 µm in diameter. These fibres are
elliptical in cross-section. The cuticular scales are of the even, tile-like
type with a smooth surface and straight scale margins. The medulla is narrow,
unbroken and central symmetrical-shaped, and is of the sponge-lattice-like
type with a foam-like infilling material.
Tragelaphus angasi
English: Nyala
German: Tieflandnyala
French: Nyala
Spanish: Antilope nyala
The cuticular structure
of a guard hair, 4000x
Tragelaphus angasi
English: Nyala
German: Tieflandnyala
French: Nyala
Spanish: Antilope nyala
Longitudinal section
of a guard hair, 600x
Numerical code for nyala skin structure
Surface of the skin: 2-4-1
Fine fur fibres: 2.1-5-2-1-3-1-1-1-4-15.21-6.25
Intermediate fibres: 2-2-1-1-3-1-1-6.7-5.8-25.61-25.45
Guard hairs: 2-2-1-1-3-1-1-6-5-60.91-45.125